On our website, we have taken steps to prevent copyright infringement since we take it seriously. As a user, you are expected to respect other people’s intellectual property rights. If you think that a copy of your copyrighted work that is accessible on our website has been copied in a way that violates copyright, you can let us know by sending a notice of infringement to our designated copyright agent.

Your notice must be in writing and contain the information listed below in order to be valid:

  • An official representative of the owner of the allegedly infringing exclusive right’s physical or digital signature.
  • Identification of the allegedly violated work or, in the case of numerous allegedly violated works at a single web site, a representative list of those works at that site.
  • Identification of the allegedly unlawful or the subject of unlawful conduct material that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, along with information that is reasonably sufficient to allow us to find the material.
  • Information that would allow us to reasonably attempt to contact the complaining party, such as the complaining person’s address, phone number, and, if accessible, email address.
  • A declaration that the complaining party has a good faith belief that the use of the content in question is illegal according to the copyright holder, their agent, or the law.
  • A declaration that the details in the notification are true and, under penalty of perjury, a declaration that the complaining party has the owner’s permission to act on their behalf.

Contact our designated copyright agent at “” with your notice of infringement.

Please be aware that anybody who willfully misrepresents that content or behaviour is infringing may be held responsible under Section 512(f) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Users who commit infringement offences repeatedly may have their accounts terminated under the right conditions.

Thank you for helping to safeguard the rights of people to their intellectual property.


“This website is created for informational purpose only”

By: team